가정 주방용 케이터링 용품
Stainless steel kitchen utensils to brighten your family’s culinary journey! From creative cooking to cozy gatherings, our stainless steel kitchen utensils bring elegance and convenience to your home kitchen.
야외 생활을 위한 케이터링 용품
With quality at your fingertips, enjoying the pleasures of outdoor dining is in the palm of your hand! For picnics, camping trips or outdoor gatherings, our stainless steel catering supplies bring durability and practicality to your outdoor life.
호텔 및 레스토랑용 케이터링 용품
Whether it’s an upscale restaurant or a luxury hotel, our stainless steel catering products are designed to enhance the quality of your food and beverage service and win the trust and praise of your guests with their quality design and reliable performance.
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15m 동헝시 공업구, 홍이촌, 차오저우시 차오탕진 홍이촌, 중국 광둥성 차오저우시 동헝시 공업구